When FINITO is used as a FT, the data are recorded and attached as additional extensions to the AMBER files.
These data are analyzed by a python script (provided by A. Merand) running on the DFO machine, an optimal DIT is calculated for the different pairs of input channels (lower plot) and an optimized AMBER DIT is produced as a QC parameter.
Plot 1 shows in red the optimal DIT (combined for the 3 Input channels 13-35-15) and in black the (AMBER) DIT used to take the Plot 2 shows the optimal DIT for the 3 Input channels (13/AB-35/BC-15/AC) .
The HC plot RMNREC has a scale of 1 night, the RMNREC has a scale of 10 nights.

For more parameters concerning the RMNREC data go to the amber_rmnrec qc1database.