calChecker rules applied for AMBER (calibrations for calibrations) ==================================================================== 1. List of depending CALIB raw data types, used for CAL4CAL: ============================================================ 3P2V: DPR.CATG=="CALIB" and (DPR.TYPE=="3P2V") and TPL.ID like "%std_acq%" COLD_DARK: DPR.CATG=="CALIB" and (DPR.TYPE=="DARK") and DPR.TECH=="IMAGE" 2. List of triggering CALIB raw data types, used for CAL4CAL: ============================================================= CALIB_FRINGE: DPR.CATG=="CALIB" and DPR.TYPE=="OBJECT" and DPR.TECH=="INTERFEROMETRY" CALIB_FRINGE_TECH: (DPR.CATG=="CALIB") and DPR.TYPE=="SKY" and DPR.TECH=="INTERFEROMETRY" and OBS.PROG.ID like "%60.A-9054%" 3. Association rules for CAL4CAL, used in the calChecker: col1: triggering CALIB raw data type (defined in 2.) col2: depending CALIB raw data type, required for calibration (defined in 1.) col3: validity time range in days used for checking ============================================================= trig_CALIB dep_CALIB DeltaT/d -------------------------------------------------- CALIB_FRINGE COLD_DARK 3 CALIB_FRINGE 3P2V .42