Status of AMBER ServiceMode releases (current period)
last update: 2006-10-17 09:39:30; machine: dfo11

This is the status page for those AMBER ServiceMode runs of the present period which have been closed.
Due to the delay between data acquisition on Paranal and final processing, packing and shipping, the runs listed here have the following status values:

process, prepare package
create media, ship media
[OPEN] pending pending pending open runs are not listed on this page
but here
RELEASED done pending pending  
CUTTING done done pending  
FINISHED done done done  
Full all data for the run are contained in the release
Partial the release has only part of all data (there may be earlier packages, or future packages)
open runs
RUN_ID (sort) PI DATE (released) DATE (finished) STATUS last night with data FULL/PARTIAL
077.D-0502A Weigelt 2006-05-15 2006-05-29 FINISHED 2006-04-16 FULL
077.D-0153B Jeong 2006-05-29 2006-06-07 FINISHED 2006-05-13 FULL
077.C-0694A Kraus 2006-09-08 2006-09-13 FINISHED 2006-08-06 FULL
077.D-0653A Cunha 2006-09-08 2006-09-13 FINISHED 2006-07-07 FULL
077.C-0258A G"unther 2006-09-08 2006-09-13 FINISHED 2006-07-13 FULL
077.C-0750A Schegerer 2006-09-15 2006-09-18 FINISHED 2006-08-07 FULL
077.D-0617A Wittkowski 2006-09-15 2006-09-27 FINISHED 2006-09-09 FULL
077.D-0630A Wittkowski 2006-09-15 2006-09-26 FINISHED 2006-09-08 FULL
077.C-0706C Malbet 2006-09-19 2006-09-26 FINISHED 2006-09-09 FULL
077.D-0630B Wittkowski 2006-09-25 2006-09-26 FINISHED 2006-09-08 FULL
077.D-0788A Bazot 2006-09-25 2006-09-26 FINISHED 2006-09-09 FULL
077.D-0173A Richichi 2006-10-05 2006-10-05 FINISHED 2006-09-07 FULL
077.D-0173B Richichi 2006-10-05 2006-10-05 FINISHED 2006-09-08 FULL
276.D-5049B Chesneau 2006-10-06 2006-10-10 FINISHED 2006-07-13 PARTIAL
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