Astroclimatology of Paranal | |||||
Band | J | H | Ks | L | M-NB |
Magnitude | 16.5 | 14.4 | 13.0 | 3.9 | 1.2 |
Typical IR Backgrounds at Paranal (mag/arcsec-2), from J. Cuby et al., The Messenger 101, p.3, September 2000. Note that K, L and M values include telescope background.
Band | U | B | V | R | I |
Magnitude | 22.28 | 22.64 | 21.61 | 20.87 | 19.71 |
Average background at Paranal (mag/arcsec-2), from >4000 FORS1 exposured during Apr.-Sep. 2001, by F. Patat, UBVRI Night Sky Brightness at ESO-Paranal during sunspot maximum.
see also the (U, B, V, R, I, Z) sky brightness as a function of days from full moon
see also the E-ELT Background Model