Not long ago (The ESO Messenger 97, September 99), climate change was identified as
the main responsible for the degradation of observing conditions (seeing) at Paranal.
It was pointed out in particular that the weakening of the traditional westerly wind pattern
was more frequently allowing turbulent air from inland to blow over the coastal cordillera.
Six months later and in spite of much wishful thinking,
the site quality has only marginally improved and remains way below the standards established
during the extensive site survey (dashed lines, fig. 1). This means for the observatory that
Period 64 should not be better than Period 63 which provided sub-half arcsecond seeing
only 13% of the time (R. Gilmozzi, The ESO Messenger 98, December 99,
to be compared 21% in the period 1989-1995). During that same period, La Silla,
which is not undergoing any visible climate change but is rather on a favorable phase of
its own cycles, had been producing 8% of such good quality observing time and promises even more in
Period 64.
Figure 1: Seeing Statistics at Paranal and La Silla
Seeing is reconstructed from DIMM measurements taken at 6 m above ground, at 0.5 micron
and at zenith. Because of the finite outer scale of the atmospheric turbulence, actual large telescope
image quality can be better than predicted by DIMM (see eg:
It was reported (The ESO Messenger 90, December 1997) that cloudiness at Paranal was obviously increasing
with warmer see water, ie: El Niño events. The dependency of Paranal seeing to
El Niño cycles had been indeed similarly tested over a decade
in the past (1988-1997) but without unveiling any correlation (yellow squares in fig.2). It was thus concluded
that the basic Paranal observing conditions were weather independent. The DIMM seeing increase after 1998
(green squares in fig.2 corresponding to the period shown in fig.1) is mainly due to the disturbance of nearby buildings in a particular North-East
wind pattern which lasts part of the night. This bad local seeing at DIMM level (not seen at the UTs) hides the apparent
correlation visible on fig.3 in the earlier years of Paranal monitoring.
Figure 2: Correlation of the standardized monthly Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with
monthly average seeing at Paranal during 1988-1997 (yellow) and since April 1998 (green). The SOI
represents the sea level pressure anomaly between Darwin and Tahiti
( ). A negative index corresponds to warmer waters (El
Niño), a positive index to cooler ones (La Niña).
Figure 3: Comparison (three month moving average) of the standardized monthly Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with
monthly average seeing at Paranal. The SOI
represents the sea level pressure anomaly between Darwin and Tahiti
( ). A negative index corresponds to warmer waters (El
Niño), a positive index to cooler ones (La Niña).
The El Niño and La Niña cycles are hardly
predictable and many past attempts failed. Some success was apparently obtained
by a model based on solar activity cycles which correctly predicted the 1997-1998
El Niño event (
Solar Activity Controls El Nino and La Nina). If one can believe such models,
the next El Niño event should arrive in 2002, perhaps bringing to an end the current phase
of poorer than average astroclimate on Paranal.
Moreover, recent analyses of sea surface elevation measured by the
Topex-Poseidon satellite (NASA/JPL News release, Jan. 20, 2000) lead researchers to suspect
the Niño-Niña oscillations to sit on,
and therefore partially hide, a much wider (20-30 years period) so-called Pacific decadal oscillation.
If this phenomenon was confirmed and quantified, it would provide new perspectives to
astroclimatological surveys, let us thus wait and see.