ITEM general ITEM_TITLE NONE 2008-05-24: GIRAFFE CCD "Carreras" operational (often called "new") (replacing "Bruce"). Both CCDs are identical in format and size.

2011-01-11: fast read mode added

2016-04-01: the 'slow' mode is offered in VM, calibration data are processed and QC parameters are available, but they are not trended because of their very rare acquisition.

A set of 5 BIAS frames is measured daily as part of the routine calibration and health check plan. The BIAS level, the read noise and the structure are monitored.

'Normal' is the standard read mode of the CCD. The QC1 database has also some data for the 'Fast' and the 'Slow' mode, but (with the exception of the BIAS plot) there are no HC plots for these rarely used modes.

Since October 2010, the fast readout mode is offered in addition to the normal readout mode. Its trending plots are set up the same way as the ones for normal read mode, find them under 'bias_Fast'.

Other CCD parameters are monitored using the darks and the image flats.

TABLE_NAME bias1 TABLE_TYPE FIGURE_2 TABLE_WIDTH 60% TABLE_IMG1 AHREF="../img/bias.gif" TABLE_IMG1 "../img/bias.gif" width="140" height="270" border="1" TABLE_CAP1 BIAS frame, old CCD. There is an upward gradient of the order of several ADU which is monitored by the STRUCTY parameter. The bright vertical feature is a bad column. TABLE_IMG2 AHREF="../img/bias_new.png" TABLE_IMG2 "../img/bias_new.png" width="140" height="286" border="1" TABLE_CAP2 BIAS frame, new CCD. The new CCD has cleaner cosmetics, there is no bad column. The gradients in X and Y are much smaller.