ITEM_TITLE CALIB products ITEM_ANAME products Overview of calibration files and recipes

TABLE_NAME products TABLE_TYPE TABLE_CUSTOMHDR TABLE_HEADER Raw frame(s) SEP recipe SEP description SEP product(s) TABLE_ROW1 BIAS SEP gimasterbias SEP create a master bias from a set of input raw frames SEP MASTER_BIAS TABLE_ROW2 DARK SEP gimasterdark SEP create a master dark from set of input raw frames SEP MASTER_DARK TABLE_ROW3 FLAT SEP gimasterflat SEP create fibre localization, width and extraction from a set of input flats SEP FF_LOCCENTROID, FF_LOCWIDTH; FF_EXTSPECTRA, FF_EXTERRORS TABLE_ROW4 NASMYTH FLAT SEP gimasterflat SEP create nasmyth fibre localization, width and extraction from a set of input nasmyth flats SEP NF_LOCCENTROID, NF_LOCWIDTH; NF_EXTSPECTRA, NF_EXTERRORS TABLE_ROW5 WAVE SEP giwavecalibration SEP obtain the wavelength calibration solution from an input arc-lamp frame SEP DISPERSION_SOLUTION; ARC_EXTSPECTRA, ARC_RBNSPECTRA TABLE_ROW6 STANDARD STAR SEP gistandard SEP determine instrumental response SEP STD_RBNSPECTRA, STD_RBNERRORS; STD_RCSPECTRA, STD_RCERRORS; INSTRUMENT_RESPONSE* * for STD_ARG data ony; for STD_IFU data, no instrument response is produced. TITLE Naming scheme After production and certification, the calibration products are archived. They are named with a scheme including type, creation date and relevant setting parameters. The master calibrations are available for archive users through the calSelector service.