1.0     2007-07-09	completely rewritten
1.0.1	2007-07-13	transfer to web server generalized (ssh to $WEB_SERVER)
1.0.2	2007-07-30	qc_style always included
1.1	2008-10-15	TYPE=HEALTH --> supports HC scoring
1.1.1	2008-10-23	bug fixed for nav-otheritem
1.1.2	2008-11-04	improved ssh/scp; introducing noscoreitem
1.1.3	2008-11-06	improved handling of noscoreitem [SMo]
1.2	2012-05-14	supports TYPE=CAL (for calScores)
1.2.1	2012-11-21	bug fix for noscoreitem
1.3	2013-09-17	supporting TYPE=HEALTH_MAIN (same format as CAL, incl. ins scores)
1.4	2014-02-19	replace 'switch' by 'change' in awk commands (for OS upgrade); remove w4 
1.4.1	2014-10-29	HC_ENABLED obsolete
1.5	2015-03-23	TYPE=CAL: includes tellTracker signal
1.5.1	2017-03-21	minor bug fix in line 391
1.6	2017-09-06	TOC decommissioned 
1.6.1	2018-09-10	minor improvements for stability