HISTORY productExplorer

1.0	2007-11-12	created from scratch
1.1  	2008-04-28	improved setup handling; color-coded type (CALIB/SCIENCE/LOGS); mcalib deletion enabled
1.2	2008-09-18	support for ANCILLARY files; file size indicated
1.2.1	2010-08-02	minor change in line :554
1.2.2	2014-09-03	cdbDelete replaced by dpDelete; calib..data_products with qc_metadata..qc_products
1.3	2014-09-04	dataTable used, one output file only 
1.3.1	2014-09-30	minor change in result line 
1.4	2014-11-14	flag -V: display vproducts
1.5	2015-04-20	added: PIPEFILE; checks for double entries in origfile added
1.5.1	2015-06-17	bug fix for ^V.
1.5.2	2016-04-06	accepts r. files as input (special case of MUSE)
2.0	2017-09-11	new mode -S, supporting static calibrations
2.0.1	2017-09-15	bug fix for the search option