HISTORY finishNight
1.0 2004-11-19 completely rewritten
1.1 2005-05-10 calls extractStat, has logging
1.1.1 2005-06-10 removes dags from $CONDOR_DAG_DIR
1.1.2 2005-12-15 removes alogs/tlogs in $DFO_AB_DIR; last 5000 entries in DFO_STATUS
1.1.3 2006-01-23 check for open ingest jobs
1.1.4 2006-02-23 skip extractStat for LSPACK_MODE = YES
1.1.5 2006-03-03 no check for DRS_TYPE required anymore
1.1.6 2006-03-13 BQSROOT replaces CONDOR_DAG_DIR
1.1.7 2006-03-15 introducing DELETE_RAW
1.1.8 2006-05-16 qcdate replacing mjd2date; dfosLog suspended
1.1.9 2006-11-22 removes $HIDE_DIR/$DATE
1.2 2008-01-08 calls createReport and histoMonitor in the end
1.3 2008-01-30 option -c added (cleanup only, no statistics updated)
1.3.1 2008-12-16 also cleans up status files on $DFO_WEB_SERVER
1.3.2 2010-05-04 improved deletion of CONDOR workspace
1.3.3 2010-09-20 stabilized DFO_STATUS
1.3.4 2010-09-30 bug fix with N_LINES1
1.3.5 2011-10-11 LSPACK_MODE and ING_FILE_NAME removed; check for sci_Harvested
1.3.6 2012-09-26 config file obsolete; RAW data always deleted
1.3.7 2013-05-13 delete QC cascades (line :204)
1.4 2014-11-17 common support for DFOS and PHOENIX installations
1.4.1 2015-06-22 checks for harvestAB entry dropped
1.4.2 2017-09-18 extends condor work dir deletion to PHOENIX case of QCSCIENCE_all
1.5 2017-12-14 adds completeness check at the end, in order to catch missing headers for science files
1.5.1 2018-06-01 line 259ff edited to include step2 processing
1.5.2 2019-01-03 suppress qcdate error for DEEP_MODE
1.5.3 2020-03-24 some cosmetics for case 'no hdr'
1.5.4 2021-05-11 nasty bug fix for DEEP_MODE and new runID format