The Noise (N) is the total
random contribution from various sources that affect the measurement of
the signal. Also measured in [e]. We will see after that there are
various sources of noises and that they behave differently. The noise
is basically the error on the flux measured:
The Signal-to-Noise Ratio, SNR, S/N, measures how well an object is measured. Typical values:
Error on Mag ~ 1/ (S/N) |
Various noises are considered:
Every time we deal with a source of photons arriving at random, the noise assiciated with that randomness is
N_dk = sqrt( n_pix . dk . t )
= sqrt ( n_pix . dk . NDIT . DIT )
When reading the detector, the amplifier(s) involved add some noise
to the signal. This is a characteristic of the chip and of the
read-out-mode used. Let RON
be the read-out-noise per read-out (one get the
noise each time one reads) and per pixel (in electron). The total read out noise is then:
Random, uncorrelated noises (such those described) add quadratically, so, the generic formula for the noise is
N_total = sqrt( N^2 + N_sky^2 + N_dark^2 + N_ron^2 ) |
S/N = s.t / sqrt ( s.t + n_pix . sky . t + n_pix . dark . t + n_pix . NDIT . RON^2 ) |
The generic S/N equation is used in details in the Exposure Time
Calculators. However, in practice, it is useful to consider some
special cases, to understand the behavior of the instrument, and why
one can/should make many short or one long exposure.
Let's first consider the case of a bright star. In that case, the
signal of the star is so bright that all the other sources of noises
are negligible:
we can remove them from the equation:
After this warm up, let's consider a more useful case: a faint
star with a bright sky background: sky >> s . The S/N equation becomes: