Regulation of Star Formation in the Molecular Gas Disks of Spiral Galaxies Understanding the processes that regulate the formation of stars within galaxies is one of the major themes in current astrophysical research. Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs, size ~ 40pc) are thought to play a critical role in these processes as they host most of the massive star formation occurring in our Galaxy. Detailed observations on their scales can provide important insights on the properties of the star forming interstellar medium and the conditions promoting the formation of massive stars. Combining exquisite data on the molecular gas disk in the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 at 40pc resolution from the PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS) with ancillary data across the electromagnetic spectrum allowed us to investigate in detail how molecular gas, dust and star formation relate across the galaxy disk and test common assumption about Giant Molecular Clouds. I will present highlights from our studies.