The role of galaxy mergers in the birth, pairing and merging of supermassive black holes I will review the status of models of the formation and merging of SMBHs in the context of the current hierarchical structure formation model. I will focus on the rold of dissipational galaxy mergers as a key to understand formation, merging and growth of SMBHs. Galaxy mergers are known to deliver a large fraction of the interstellar gas of galaxies towards the inner few hundred parsecs. However, for a long time direct calculations that model the gravitational, hydrodynamical and radiative processes involved had only been able to hint qualitatively at the phenomenon of meeger-driven gas inflows, mostly due to their limited resolution in the nuclear region. I will discuss the results of recent state-of-the art simulations which have allowed to resolve scales of parsecs and below while the mergers of two galaxies takes place. I will show how the gas brought towards the central hundred parsecs produces a massive, star forming nuclear disk which compares well with recent observations of merger remnants in the nearby Universe. The numerical simulations demonstrate that a pair of supermassive black holes embedded in such nuclear disk can bind into binary on very short timescales, less than a million year. Whether or not the binary of supermassive black holes will always be able to shrink down to the separation at which loss of energy via gravitational waves becomes the dominant process in eroding its orbit is still under investigation. Therefore the mapping between galaxy mergers and SMBHs is still to be determined quantitatively, a task that should be accomplished before the advent of gravitational wave experiments such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Finally, in calculations probing sub-parsec scales in the nuclear disk more than a hundred million solar masses of gas can be transported to the inner parsec via torques driven by spiral instabilities. A massive black hole may form directly and rapidly from the collapse of a central gas cloud produced by the inflow. Direct, fast massive black hole formation may explain why bright quasars are seen to be in place already less than a billion year after the Big Bang"