The Galactic Bulge The boxy Galactic Bulge is believed to have formed long ago through a bar-forming and bar-buckling instability of the Galactic disk. In order to study the chemical and dynamical properties of this bulge, we have acquired spectra of 28,000 red giant candidate stars towards the bulge, and I will describe the outcome of this large survey (the ARGOS survey). We are able to estimate the distances for all of these stars, and remove several thousand stars which lie in the foreground or background of the bulge. The chemical properties of the bulge stars show that the bulge-forming instability moved stars from the early thin and thick disk into the bulge. These stars are now locked into the bulge as chemically identifiable fossils of the early disks. We are not able to put useful limits on the presence of an additional classical (merger-related) bulge component in the inner Galaxy, but our kinematical data are fully consistent with the predictions of the instability formation scenario.