AGN feedback though the cosmic times Why do black holes in galactic nuclei have masses proportional to bulge masses and luminosities? Why did galaxies at a certain point of their cosmological evolution, stop to form stars? What is the path(s) and the mechanism(s) leading the transition from gas rich, star-forming galaxies, to red passive galaxies, deprived of all their gas? Theory and few observations suggest that AGN driven super winds (=feedback) play a major role in all these transformations. The two main building blocks of this scenario are: 1) AGN outflows, which inject energy in their environment; 2) the interaction of these flows with the galaxy interstellar matter, and its physical/chemical/geometrical modification. I will first review AGN outflows seen in different gas phases and at different scales. I will then present searches for "direct" evidence of AGN feedback in bright nearby AGN, linking accretion and ejection occurring on sub-parsec scale in galaxy nuclei to the transformations occurring in the rest of the galaxy. I will finally discuss the perspectives of extending these studies up to z=1-3, the golden epoch of AGN and galaxy activity.