Molecular gas and star formation in early-type galaxies Despite pervasive residual star formation, early-type galaxies are generally considered "red and dead", composed exclusively of old stars with little gas and no star formation. Here, the molecular gas content of early-type galaxies is constrained and discussed in relation to their evolution, providing a much greater understanding of the gas cycle in these objects and arguing for the continuing importance of (minor) mergers and cold gas accretion. Early-types also provide a new laboratory to study star formation, revealing unusual star-formation scaling relations. First, nearly a quarter of local early-types are shown to possess a substantial amount of molecular gas, the necessary ingredient for star formation, independent of mass and environment. Second, a variety of molecular gas morphologies is revealed. The kinematics of the molecular gas and stars are often misaligned, implying an external gas origin in at least half of the systems in the field, while external gas accretion is shut down in clusters. Despite this, the kinematics of the molecular is often regular, allowing kinematic work ranging from Tully-Fisher studies to black hole mass measurements. Third, many objects appear to be in the process of forming regular kpc-size decoupled disks, and a star formation sequence can be sketched by piecing together multi-wavelength information. Early-type galaxies do not seem to systematically obey all our usual prejudices regarding star formation (e.g. Kennicutt-Schmidt law and far infrared-radio continuum correlation), suggesting a greater diversity of star formation processes than observed in disk galaxies. Last, a first step toward constraining the physical properties of the molecular gas in early-type galaxies is taken, by modeling the line ratios of temperature-, density- and opacity-sensitive molecules in a few objects.