A Soreli Jevât

Friulian Archeoastromical Sites Mapping Project

The purpose of the ASJ project is to collect in a database the orientation and horizon geometry of most ancient sites in Friuli (Italy), an area which has not been studied in a systematic way from the archeoastronomical point of view. A short review can be found here (PDF, italian). A slightly revised and updated version, appeared in the friulian journal "Sot La Nape" in 2007. You can download it here (1st part, PDF, friulian), here (2nd part, PDF, friulian) and here (3rd part, PDF).
The survey has started with the ancient church of S. Martin in Artegna, 25 km north of Udine. The results of this pilot research have been presented in a public conference. The presentation can be viewed at the following URL:
Many other curches are being studied. I will report here the results.

Sunset at St. Martin ten days after Vernal Equinox. Just before disappearing below the horizon, the dying Sun illuminates St. Mary Magdalen, at the foot of the Cross.

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